Sunday, September 5, 2010

Salamanca Photos!!!

Flying in over Madrid
La Plaza Mayor
University of Salamanca
The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain...
El Puente Romano (Roman Bridge)
El puente
One of many beautiful streets in Salamanca
La Plaza Mayor
La Plaza Mayor at night
La Casa de las Conchas (Shell House)
View fromt he cathedral steps
Near the cathedral
La Catedral Nueva (The New Cathedral - built in the 1500s)
El puente romano
El puente romano


  1. wow! Great photos, Mia. Those neat buildings under a blue Spanish sky are a sight to behold.

    GP Fred

  2. Hey, you were able to add captions! Nice work.

  3. Mia - Great to hear from you and to see your photos. Good going. Love, Nana

  4. Mia, what great experiences already. Have a fantastic semester.

    Scott Copeland
